Before and after! minus 90 pounds!

Before and after! minus 90 pounds!
215 pounds to 125 pounds!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wiggy-what weight!


How much should I weigh?

I am very surprised at how many people have asked me how I knew what my healthy goal weight should be! It is actually very simple to figure out, but many of us do not know these exact amounts. It all comes down to your BMI- Body Mass Index. 

Calculating your BMI is very easy! There are several websites online that can give you this information. BMI Calculator

< 18.5 is underweight
18.5-24.9 is healthy weight
25- 29.9 is over weight
>30 is obese

The BMI can give you a healthy weight range to aim for. For example, my healthy weight range is 118-155 lbs. This information is very useful to know, but it doesn't give you the full picture! Many of you might be wondering why the range is so big? Well this is because every body has a different frame size. Some women are very lean looking, others have bigger bone structures. Not all of us have Victoria's Secret model-like lean bodies! 

To get a more narrow range of healthy weights you can figure out your frame size! The easiest way to do this is to take your thumb and forefinger and wrap it around your wrist. 

Overlapping fingers= small frame
Touching fingers= medium frame
Gap in fingers= large frame

These frame sizes can give you a more accurate picture of what your weight should be! I am a 5'6, medium frame sized women. My healthy weight range should be 130-144 lbs.

These ranges are still rather large, but they can help us further to narrow down our goals. Once you are in this range, it can be difficult to figure out where you exactly need to be. My advice about finding your IDEAL GOAL WEIGHT is to get in your frame size range- then stopping pushing yourself with the goal to lose weight. Keep exercising and eating healthy, then after about 2 months weigh yourself everyday for a week to figure out where you stand. If you are eating right and exercising, your body will find its balance and stay around a set weight. I did this, and found my body likes to stay in between 125- 129 pounds. 

Also, don't kill yourself over these numbers! Everyone is different, and the BMI is not the full story of your health. People have different compositions- if someone is muscular they weigh more. Someone who maintains a great lifestyle and is 2 pounds heavier than their range is a lot more healthy than someone who starves themselves into being a certain weight. 

*I am not a Physician, and am not qualified to give professional medical help. This blog is merely stating how I came to find my ideal weight in the hopes that it influences others to make healthy choices as well.